Big Foot Brace

Big Foot Brace produce and distribute ankle brace systems for athletes and amateurs. They started off with products for the mountain bike and BMX world where ankle injuries are common, and are now expanding into numerous other sports as well as the general healthcare market.

Their products are widely reviewed as the best on the market worldwide, and as such their social media needs to represent that.

For this campaign, Big Foot Brace invited two of their sponsored riders over from America for a days riding at Corby Skatepark (one of the largest indoor skateparks in the world). Daniel Sandoval (multiple winner at X-Games, Nitro World games and numerous other events) and Jeremy Malott (multiple X-Games medalist) were on absolute fire, throwing down big tricks again and again for the cameras. Both were an absolute pleasure to shoot and ultimate professionals.

Working with the videographer Joe Simkins (quickly becoming the go-to man for mountain bike footage in the UK!), we captured stills and behind-the-scenes footage, all ready to go out onto Big Foot’s marketing, then used some cheeky post-production to make sue the company logos were nicely in shot!

As a rider myself, this was obviously a dream project, and every time I have the fortune to work with professional athletes my jaw is always left firmly on the floor!

If you have products you’re looking to promote, from clean catalogue shots to lifestyle and ‘in use’ demonstrations, get in touch on our contact page to find out more


Creating a top-down drone photo of a large area